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BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE a jeho zaměstnanci se řídí mottem


Již 30 let BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE vyvíjí, konstruuje, testuje a vyrábí elektronické a elektromechanické komponenty a zařízení pro zákazníky na celém světě v následujících dvou sektorech:
- řídící jednotky a systémy pro decentralizované čistírny odpadních vod a příslušenství
- zamykací technologie pro dveře a okna

Výrobky značky BONNEL jsou plně v souladu s firemní strategií “chytrých domů a budov” a jsou vyráběny v závodě v Chebu v České republice.

BONNEL, firma s více než 60 pracovníky, certifikovaná dle ISO 9001, nabízí inovativní produkty a odborné poradenství “na míru” pro své zákazníky v sektorech B2B a B2C. Společnost se pravidelně účastní předních světových veletrhů a výstav, například IFAT v německém Mnichově.
Mezinárodní tým BONNEL může nabídnout odborné znalosti a zkušenosti v programování firmware, embedded a PC software stejně jako v pokročilých technologiích používaných ve výrobě (SMT, THT, výroba a montáž mechatronických součástek a zařízení…). Firma staví na flexibilních řešeních dle požadavků svých zákazníků.

BONNEL, středně velká rodinná firma, je nedílnou součástí místní komunity města Chebu. Díky své strategii společenské zodpovědnosti se stala partnerem významných místních, regionálních i celostátních akcí, jako je FIJO Festival. BONNEL s hrdostí spolupracuje s místními středními školami a technickými univerzitami v České republice a v Německu, s cílem vychovávat budoucí generaci specialistů a inženýrů v oboru elektrotechniky.

Sequetrol starter

Budget-price control unit for fixed-bed and MBBR sewage treatment plants - available with GSM alarm forwarding

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  • 2 outputs 230V + output for BonFlash alarm beacon
  • 1 alarm input (e.g. for float switch)
  • Day-, night-, and holiday-mode helps to save energy expenses
  • Integrated operating hours counter
  • Self-learning blower monitoring and protection
  • Possible to be customized for the German or UK specific sockets
  • Compatible with Aquavisor® Telemetry SMS App and PC software

  • Control unit with outstanding price-performance ratio
  • World first self-learning blower monitoring and protection by power monitoring (no pressure measurement needed to monitor the pressure high / low levels of the blower)
  • Suitable for fixed-bed, vortex floating-bed and continuous decentralized sewage treatment plants
  • Pulsed blower operation helps to save energy compared to 24 / 7 operation
  • Special eco-mode can be easily activated during night / weekend / holiday
  • Menu structure adaptable to customer needs
  • Acoustic mains failure alarm according to special German requirements
  • Installation and connection possible without opening the casing
  • GSM-SMS alarm forwarding possible (also with Aquavisor® Telemetry SMS App and PC software)

To monitor the function of the blower is of vital interest for every sewage treatment plant owner -the blower is the heart of the plant. In case the diffuser or the tubes are jammed, the plant owner can save money if the blower is turned off before it gets destroyed. 
Normally a small tube has to be installed between a relatively expensive pressure sensor and the air hose of the blower to monitor the pressure and the blower. Sequetrol® starter does not need all this. It monitors the energy consumption of the particular blower, learns its “fingerprint” and can thus detect any malfunction or overload of the blower. 

The ON and OFF times for each output can be preset and later changed in the menu. The outputs can be coupled for sludge removal: In this case the blower will be switched on when the valve to the sludge removal is open. Another option is, to activate the second (e.g. sludge) output at a certain time, for example at 6 am and 11 pm. 
To save blower runtime and thus energy, it’s possible to distinguish between reduced and normal load. For example during holidays or weekends there is less water inflow, the blower ON times can be reduced. This ECO-mode can be programmed for nighttime or weekends respective weekdays. Moreover, for holidays the length of the absence can be entered to keep the ECO-mode active during this period. 

The full menu structure is adaptable according to your needs. 
Some examples: It’s up to you, if the serviceman can delete the operating hours of the particular outputs. You decide, if the end customer can operate the outputs manually. Do you want to allow servicemen to change the ON/OFF times of the outputs?
Like this, every sewage treatment plant manufacturer will get the control unit he needs. 

The Sequetrol® starter control unit for decentralized sewage treatment plants is equipped with three outputs and one digital input. The blower output is lead out to the mains socket. Thus the blower can be easily connected by end customers. The valve output can be connected by a screw-type terminal inside the plant and lead out through a cable grommet. The third output is a low-voltage (5VDC) alarm output suitable for our BonFlash alarm lamp. Moreover one alarm float switch can be connected to the starter. Thus a flooding of the tanks can be detected.


Attribute Value
Dimensions (l x w x h); weight 150 mm x 145 mm x 62 mm; 0.75kg 
Ambient temperature -15°C to + 50°C
Protection classification IP32 without mains plug plugged into electrical socket; IP42 with mains plug plugged into electrical socket 
Display / LED Illuminated (backlit) alphanumeric LCD / 2 LED
Signal-inputs 1x digital input for float switch
Data interface RS-232 (using adapter-cable)
Electrical output

2x relay 230V; max. 320VA (blower) or 550VA (resistive load); max. 700VA total (outputs 1 + 2); 1x low voltage alarm (5V / 50 mA max.) for BonFlash 

Power supply during mains failure 1 X NiMH rechargeable battery (size AA); 1x CR2032 3V Lithium battery for RTC backup; lithium rechargeable battery for GSM
Power supply 230VAC, 3.5W

PDF Flyer (EN)

Sequetrol® starter plus

Budget-price control unit for fixed-bed and MBBR sewage treatment plants - available with GSM alarm forwarding

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The Sequetrol® starter plus is designed as a highly comfortable and adaptable control unit with the price of an entry level device. The innovative valve monitoring function, that meets the EN 12566-3 European standard, as well as the detailed event log, qualify the starter as a perfect control unit for fixed bed and MBBR plants.

  • 3 outputs 230V + output for our BonFlash alarm beacon
  • 1 alarm input (e.g. for float switch)
  • Day-, night-, and holiday-mode helps to save energy expenses
  • Innovative valve monitoring
  • Blower monitoring by pressure sensing

  • Outstanding price-performance ratio
  • Meets as one of few control units the European standard EN 12566-3 - Sequetrol® starter plus monitors the proper function of connected valves
  • Detailed event log eases servicing
  • “Cash-Lock” function - the control unit stops the plant after a predefined number of days if no PIN is entered. The PIN is provided to the customer as soon as the payment is fulfilled.
  • Special eco-mode can be easily activated during night / weekend / holiday
  • Menu structure adaptable to customer needs
  • Acoustic mains failure alarm according to special German requirements
  • GSM SMS alarm forwarding and remote operation possible - compatible with Aquavisor® App

According to the EN 12566-3 European standard, the function of all parts that are necessary for a proper function of the plant have to be monitored. This standard is the base for any CE marks on sewage treatment plants sold in the European union. The Sequetrol® starter plus now offers a reliable, self-learning monitoring for solenoid valves. This is realized by the accurate, in-build pressure sensor. The control unit will detect both, a valve that does not open and a valve that does not close. Even if two 3/2 valves are operated.

Most customers pay in time - but some don’t. If you want to avoid time and trouble solving these issues, you can use the so-called “Cash-Lock” function. If no payment is received, the control unit stops the plant after a predefined number of days. As soon as you receive payment, you send the customer a unlock PIN . If the unlock PIN is entered within the due date, the control unit won’t stop the plant. Simple and efficient!

To save blower runtime and thus energy, it’s possible to distinguish between reduced, normal and holiday load. For example during holidays or weekends the blower ON times can be reduced. This ECO-mode can be programmed for nighttime or weekends respective weekdays. Moreover, for holidays the length of the absence can be entered to keep the ECO-mode active during this period.

The full menu structure is adaptable according to your needs.
Some examples: It’s up to you if the serviceman can delete the operating hours of the particular outputs. You decide if the end customer can operate the outputs manually. Do you want to allow servicemen to change the ON/OFF times of the outputs?
Like this, every sewage treatment plant manufacturer will get the control unit he needs.

The Sequetrol® starter plus contains a detailed event log, that stores the events together with the time & date of the occurrence, the in- and output state and the measured pressure.
The logged events are: Mains failure, low battery, high water level (via float switch and digital input), low and high pressure, valve function (opening and closing), and Cash-Lock.

Attribute Value
Dimensions (l x w x h); weight 150 mm x 145 mm x 62 mm; 0.75kg 
Ambient temperature -15°C to + 50°C
Protection classification IP32 without mains plug plugged into electrical socket; IP42 with
Display / LED Illuminated (backlit) alphanumeric LCD and 2 LED
Signal-inputs 1x digital input for float switch
Pressure sensor 0 - 500mbar
Electrical output

3x relay 230V; max. 320VA (blower) or 550VA (resistive load); max. 700VA total (outputs 1 + 2 + 3); 1x low voltage alarm (5V / 50 mA max.) for our BonFlash 

Power supply during mains failure 1 x NiMH rechargeable battery (size AA); 1x CR2032 3V Lithium battery for RTC backup; lithium rechargeable battery for GSM
Power supply 230VAC, 3.5W

PDF Flyer (EN)


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  The gallery is an overview of product areas, by clicking on the picture you can get further into the relevant area.


Control units for continuous reactor wastewater treatment plants or moving-bed bio-reactors require a different control process than control units for SBR wastewater treatment plants. The timing of the particular outputs is independent, not in steps, and a synchronization with the daytime is mostly required.

Therefore, BONNEL has developed the Sequetrol® easy and the Sequetrol® starter CR / MBBR control units.

While the Sequetrol® easy is been used by our customers up to plants for 250 Inhabitant Equivalents, the Sequetrol® starter was designed as highly flexible control unit with focus on an outstanding price performance ratio.

Check out our brand new Sequetrol® starter plus and order now.

Discover the unique features of these control units!

BLOWER MONITORING  Yes Only current measurement (=blower connected and running), no pressure measurement  Real pressure measurement  Real pressure measurement (e.g. blower) + current measurement for output 2 (e.g. submersible pump)
GSM Yes Q 2-3/2019. Then also remote control, not only monitoring Q 2-3/2019. Then also remote control, not only monitoring  Q 2-3/2019. Then also remote control, not only monitoring
EVENT PROTOCOL No, only active alarms Yes, with details like current / pressure, switched outputs, …  Yes, with details like current / pressure, switched outputs, …  Yes, with details like current / pressure, switched outputs, …
Eco & Holiday mode (shared)
Normal mode
Eco mode
Holiday mode
Normal mode
Eco mode
Holiday mode
Normal mode
Eco mode
Holiday mode
CASHLOCK  No  Yes  Yes  Yes












Please use our contact form to order your control unit.