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BONNEL is inventing, developing and manufacturing

electronic and mechatronic devices

IFAT 2024

Ve dnech 13. – 17.05.2024 se naše společnost zúčastnila předního světového veletrhu vodohospodářství, odpadních vod, odpadů a surovin IFAT 2024 v Mnichově.
Spolu s námi na rekordních 300.000 m² vystavovalo dalších 3.210 firem z 61 zemí světa.
Měli jsme možnost seznámit se jak s novými zájemci o naše řídící jednotky, tak přivítat na stánku 515 v hale A3 naše stávající partnery.
Děkujeme Ministerstvu průmyslu a obchodu České republiky za podporu prodeje výrobků společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE zejména na evropských trzích.
Cílem tohoto projektu je účast společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. na veletrhu IFAT 2024, v rámci propagace řídicích jednotek a telemetrie pro decentralizované čistírny odpadních vod, čerpací stanice a zařízení na sběr dešťové vody.


Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání a inovace
pro konkrenceschopnost



reg. číslo CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_261/0019998
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Projekt je zaměřen na produktovou inovaci v podobě zavedení sériové výroby IoT platformy řídící
jednotky pro malé ČOV, která je výsledkem vlastní vývojové činnosti společnosti. V projektu bude
rovněž realizována procesní inovace, které bude dosaženo pořízením výrobních technologií
a technologií pro podporu výroby inovovanáho produktu. Projekt řeší problematiku efektivního
nakládání s vodou a je v souladu s iniciativou "Průmyslu 4.0".

FVE Dotace

FVE s akumulací ve společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je pořízení fotovoltaické elektrárny o instalovaném výkonu 54 kWp a bateriovým úložištěm s minimální kapacitou 54 kWh. Projekt tak zajistí společnosti částečnou soběstačnost na elektrické energii, čímž bude dosaženo provozních úspor jejího hospodaření. Projekt posune společnost směrem k naplnění environmentálních cílů ČR i EU.

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We now have a new modern line in operation.
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Best of water treatment
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With technical education you have much better opportunities!

Voucher 2
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V roce 2021 získala naše firma od Karlovarského kraje dotaci na zavedení vlastní výrobní technologie vstřikování plastů v celkové výši 170.000 CZK.

In 2021, our company received a regional innovation grant for realization of own production of plastic injection parts in the amount of 170,000 CZK.

Im Jahr 2021 erhielt unsere Firma eine regionale Innovations-Förderung für die Einführung von eigener Fertigung von Kunststoffspritzteilen in Höhe von 170.000 CZK.

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BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE a jeho zaměstnanci se řídí mottem


Již 30 let BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE vyvíjí, konstruuje, testuje a vyrábí elektronické a elektromechanické komponenty a zařízení pro zákazníky na celém světě v následujících dvou sektorech:
- řídící jednotky a systémy pro decentralizované čistírny odpadních vod a příslušenství
- zamykací technologie pro dveře a okna

Výrobky značky BONNEL jsou plně v souladu s firemní strategií “chytrých domů a budov” a jsou vyráběny v závodě v Chebu v České republice.

BONNEL, firma s více než 60 pracovníky, certifikovaná dle ISO 9001, nabízí inovativní produkty a odborné poradenství “na míru” pro své zákazníky v sektorech B2B a B2C. Společnost se pravidelně účastní předních světových veletrhů a výstav, například IFAT v německém Mnichově.
Mezinárodní tým BONNEL může nabídnout odborné znalosti a zkušenosti v programování firmware, embedded a PC software stejně jako v pokročilých technologiích používaných ve výrobě (SMT, THT, výroba a montáž mechatronických součástek a zařízení…). Firma staví na flexibilních řešeních dle požadavků svých zákazníků.

BONNEL, středně velká rodinná firma, je nedílnou součástí místní komunity města Chebu. Díky své strategii společenské zodpovědnosti se stala partnerem významných místních, regionálních i celostátních akcí, jako je FIJO Festival. BONNEL s hrdostí spolupracuje s místními středními školami a technickými univerzitami v České republice a v Německu, s cílem vychovávat budoucí generaci specialistů a inženýrů v oboru elektrotechniky.


Výkoná řídící jednotka pro SBR & průtokové čističky vody, vybavená on-board Wi-Fi konektivitou a GSM modulem.
Různé hardwarové verze a vybavení, ve skříňkách dle požadavku, jsou možné.

Sequetrol ® IoT
Coming soon :-)
Sequetrol advanced IoT
Sequetrol® IoT mini
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Sequetrol® IoT mini
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  • Different hardware versions
  • Up to 8 relay outputs, up to 3 digital inputs
  • 4-20mA analogue input
  • Graphical LCD
  • Wi-Fi and webserver on-board, GSM as an option
  • Water-level control for multiple tanks at multiple levels using pressure sensor

  • Operate it by phone / tablet / touchscreen via browser (no app installation required)
  • Connect into the world of PLC / SCADA via HTTP-REST
  • Receive an email in case of any problems
  • Run SBR and continuous processes parallel in one control unit, e.g. for duplex buffer-pump operation
  • Measure water level by pressure sensing - via different airlifts / diffusor / bubbling-in
  • Build even a complex wwtp with 8 relay outputs, 3 digital inputs, a 4-20mA analogue input and optional current measurement
  • Program your process and menu on your own with the user-friendly and fast PC tool MenuMaker
  • Analyze your plant using the detailed event log showing all relevant parameters, including pressure, in– and output states, remaining times etc.

The Sequetrol® IoT belongs to a new generation of control units developed to meet the requirements of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Home. It combines the possibility to handle even the most complex sewage treatment processes with connectivity and remote operability.

The integrated webserver of the IoT controller series allows you to operate the treatment plant and to access all information with any browser.
Imagine, you’d like to service a plant and the owner of the building is not at home—simply access via Wi-Fi without entering the building.
Imagine you would like to operate a big plant with a touchscreen—simply add a standard tablet to the control cabinet and connect via Wi-Fi.
Imagine, your plant has some troubles and you don’t like to go hundreds of kilometers—simply connect via GSM and operate and analyze the plant.

REST using JSON over HTTP is a widely used standard for M2M communication. The control unit can thus be integrated into any code base that can communicate over HTTP, including .NET, Java, Python, scripting environments like PHP or JavaScript, and more! Like this, an efficient data exchange between the control unit and telemetry servers, PLC and SCADA devices is possible.

The innovative water-level sensing by pressure measurement allows cost-effective detection of pre-set water levels without the use of failure-prone float-switches.

With the Sequetrol® IoT there are no restrictions to your ideas. BONNEL’s PC software MenuMaker 4 enables you to program even the most complex processes and menus without being a programmer. The IoT controller supports multiple, connected programs, calculations within the process, analogue water level evaluation, automatic switching-off of airlifts, user defined alarm conditions, timers, counters and much more.

The IoT platform can help you to create new business models.
You want to rent your plants? Block the plant automatically when no payment is arriving.
You want to compete with big plants? Connect to SCADA and offer touchscreens.
You want to reach remote areas? Control and monitor your plant remotely.
You want to do PPP or provide cleaning as service? Prove your plant is running well connecting sensors to the analogue input and transfer all data to telemetry servers in the cloud.

The optional analogue input can be used for a further optimization of the wastewater treatment process. Properties, such as the turbidity of the treated water can be analyzed.
Up to four external digital signals can be monitored and processed within the control algorithm.
Up to 8 relay outputs for 230VAC offer a comfortable connection of solenoid valves, diaphragm blowers, submersible pumps or other loads.
The optional GSM module can be used to monitor the plant together with the BONNEL Aquavisor® telemetry server.
All electrical connections are made using reverse polarity protected plugs with IP54 rating. Of course the type of connectors can be changed according to customer requirements.

The extent of the system functionality and the design of the front panel of the Sequetrol® control unit can be tailored to match your individual needs.
The Sequetrol® advanced IoT is equipped with features as acoustic signaling of predefined conditions, rechargeable batteries to signal mains failure and non-volatile EEPROM memory for programs, event logs and an electronic operating book.


Attribute Value
Dimensions (l x w x h); weight 166mm x 182mm x 83mm; 1.2kg
Ambient temperature -20°C to +55°C
Protection classification / UV-Resistance (casing) IP 53 / UV-resistant casing as option
Functions, sequence program, alarms, GSMcommunication, display messages (also multilanguage) All according to customer request and requirement.
Sequence programs are designed and adapted by means of a clear and easy-to-use PC‑software MenuMaker 4
Display / LED Backlit graphical LCD (128 x 64); 3 LED (colors as requested)
Outputs Up to 8x 230VAC, 350VA relay outputs (max. total current 725VA)
Digital output for alarm forwarding or communication
5VDC alarm lamp output for BonFlash alarm lamp (battery-backed)
Signal-inputs 3x digital inputs; analog input 4-20mA; pressure sensor 0-400mbar; current sensor *)
Data interface USB; Wi-Fi (AP and/or STA mode); GSM (2G) *)
Power backup during mains failure 2x AA rechargeable battery or *) alkaline battery plus gold-cap for RTC
Power supply 230VAC, 6VA max.

*) According to selected equipment, all details are without guarantee.

PDF Flyer (EN)


Sequetrol Aqua

Programovatelná řídicí jednotka pro decentralizované čistírny odpadních vod typu SBR, s měřením hladiny vody pomocí tlaku vzduchu (místo obvyklého plovákového spínače)

Tuto řídící jednotku již nevyrábíme!

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  • Easily programmable control unit for decentralized SBR sewage treatment plants
  • Water-level sensing by pressure measurement
  • Up to 8 + 1 relay outputs
  • Individually equipped according to customer requirements
  • Multi-language menu
  • GSM-module as option

  • Water-level control without expensive and unreliable float switches means no more electricity carrying parts in the cesspool.
  • Reliable technology proven in thousands of sewage treatment plants
  • Up to 8 + 1 relay outputs (8 x 230VAC, 1 x low voltage) for an easy connection of accessory devices
  • Event protocol with event, date & time and program step
  • Individually equipped according to customer requirements
  • Sequence program can be easily created and modified with the PC software MenuMaker 2
  • Password protected operating levels
  • Updateable firmware and software
  • Rechargeable batteries for mains failure alarm

The innovative water-level sensing by pressure measurement allows cost-effective detection of pre-set water levels without the use of failure-prone float-switches.

The Sequetrol® control unit is especially suited for sophisticated SBR control algorithms with normal and eco mode and multiple programs for different numbers of inhabitants or different plant types. The programs can be chosen on-site. This can help to reduce the number of different control units on stock.
The program can be triggered by the daytime, so day / night mode or similar is possible.
The Sequetrol® has an in-build memory for event logs and for an electronic operating book. The operating book will store basic information about the regularly performed owner maintenance checks. The event logs as well as the electronic operating book can be transferred from the Sequetrol® to a PC using a special memory key.
The menu is prepared for up to five languages. The languages can be switched on-site.
The menu access can be restricted in up to three different access levels (user, service, admin).

The optional analogue input can be used for a further optimization of the wastewater treatment process. Properties, such as the turbidity of the treated water can be analyzed.
Up to four external digital signals can be monitored and processed within the control algorithm.
Up to 8 relay outputs for 230VAC offer a comfortable connection of solenoid valves, diaphragm blowers, submersible pumps or other loads.
The optional GSM module can be used to monitor the plant together with the BONNEL Aquavisor® telemetry server.
All electrical connections are made using reverse polarity protected plugs with IP54 rating. Of course the type of connectors can be changed according to customer requirements.

The extent of the system functionality and the design of the front panel of the Sequetrol® control unit can be tailored to match your individual needs.
The Sequetrol® control unit is equipped with features as acoustic signaling of predefined conditions, rechargeable batteries to signal mains failure and non-volatile EEPROM memory for programs, event logs and an electronic operating book.


Attribute Value
Dimensions (l x w x h); weight 179 mm x 190 mm x 83 mm; 1.5kg
Ambient temperature -20°C to +55°C
Protection classification / UV-Resistance (casing) IP 54
Functions, sequence program, alarms, GSMcommunication, display messages (also multi-lingual) All according to customer request and requirement. Sequence programs are designed and adapted by the wastewater treatment plant manufacturer by means of a clear and easy-to-use PC software
Display / LED According to customer request, illuminated (backlit) graphical or alphanumeric LCD, alternatively numeric LED display (e.g. 6-digit); additionally up to 3 LED (colors as requested)
Signal-inputs Up to 4 x digital inputs or a combination of digital and analog (0-10V) inputs
Data interface RS-232 (optional RS-485)
Electrical output

According to customer request, up to 8 relays 230V / 300VA +
1 x low voltage

Power supply during mains failure Battery pack 7.2V (NiMH rechargeable batteries)
Power supply 230VAC, 6VA max.

PDF Flyer (EN)

Sequetrol compact LCD

Compact and reasonably priced control unit with LCD for decentralized SBR sewage treatment plants

Sequetrol® compact LCD
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Sequetrol® compact LCD
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Sequetrol® compact LCD
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  • Easily programmable control unit for small SBR treatment plants
  • Adjusting of the step times can be done on-site using three buttons on the printed circuit board
  • Keeps record of last performed step in an event of mains failure
  • 5 relay outputs (230V)
  • Digital input for float switch
  • Acoustic alarm and mains failure signalization
  • Also available as special version for price-sensitive Pump-SBR wwtp

  • Compact control unit that stands out due to its price performance ratio
  • Backlit 2x16 character LCD allows to have step names, alarm messages and operating hours clearly displayed during operation
  • Even people without programming experience can easily create a program by editing an Excel® spreadsheet
  • Individually equipped (display, keypad, connectors) according to customer requirements
  • Integrated operating hours counter
  • Automatic release of residual pressure in the valve unit
  • Updateable firmware and software
  • Design of the front-panel according to customer preference

The extent of the system functionality and the de-sign of the front panel of the Sequetrol® compact LCD control unit can be tailored to match your individual needs.
The Sequetrol® compact LCD is also available with features, such as, acoustic signaling of predefined conditions, a sequence program permanently stored in the EEPROM, and a set of batteries (optional NiMH rechargeable batteries) to ensure continuous signaling during power outage.
The built-in backlit 2x16 character LCD allows to have step names, alarm messages, operating hours and other user specific information, clearly displayed during operation.
When the control sequence is interrupted due to mains failure, the unit will automatically resume operation with the last unfinished step instead of restarting the program.
Utilizing the three buttons on the circuit board, the sequence timing can be readjusted at the installation site, resulting in an increased flexibility in adapting the Sequetrol® compact LCD to the individual requirements of the particular plant.
Build-up of residual pressure in the valve unit is prevented by stopping the compressor before closing the valves. Timing is individually adjustable for each program step (0 - 14s).

Available digital input can be used to connect a float-switch or another sensor.
Up to 5 relay outputs for 230VAC offer a comfortable connection of solenoid valves, diaphragm compressors or other loads.

The programming process was developed especially with regard to the demands of a real decentralized SBR sewage treatment plant.
The control unit will be delivered ex-factory already preprogrammed according to customer requirements. Firmware updates and sequence program changes can be performed with the aid of an inexpensive programming device. This also makes the Sequetrol® compact LCD “future-proof” and ready for possible changes of the legal situation.
No programming experience or any special software is needed.
The sequence program can be easily created or modified using a ready-made spreadsheet table (Excel®).


Attribute Value
Dimensions (l x w x h); weight 155 mm x 133 mm x 76 mm; 0.70kg
Ambient temperature -20°C to +55°C
Protection classification IP 54
Functions, sequence program, alarms All according to customer request and requirement. Sequence programs are designed and adapted by the wastewater treatment plant manufacturer by means of an Excel®-chart
Display Backlit B/W LCD, 2 x 16 characters
Signal-inputs Digital input for float switch or other sensors
Data interface RS-232
Electrical output

According to customer request, up to 8 relays 230V / 300VA

Power supply during mains failure Standard camera battery, rechargeable batteries on request
Power supply 230VAC, 1,5 VA max.

PDF Flyer (EN)

Please use our Contact form to order your control unit.

Read more about our other products and services HERE.

Sequetrol compact LED

Compact and reasonable priced control unit for small air-SBR wastewater treatment plants

Sequetrol® compact LED
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Sequetrol® compact LED
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Sequetrol® compact LED
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  • Easily programmable control unit for Air-SBR wwtp
  • Adjusting of the step times can be done on-site using three buttons on the printed circuit board
  • Keeps record of last performed step in an event of mains failure
  • 5 relay switches (230V)
  • Acoustic alarm and and mains failure signalization

  • The compact control unit stands out due to its price performance ratio
  • Reliable technology proven in thousands of decentralized SBR sewage treatment plants
  • Even people without programming experience can easily create a program by editing an Excel® table
  • Individually equipped (display, keypad, connectors) according to customer requirements
  • Integrated operating hours counter
  • Automatic release of residual pressure in the valve unit
  • Updateable firmware and software
  • Design of the front-panel according to customer preference

The extent of the system functionality and the design of the front panel of the Sequetrol® compact control unit can be tailored to match your individual needs.
The Sequetrol® compact control unit is also available with features, such as, acoustic signaling of predefined conditions, a sequence program permanently stored in the EEPROM, and a set of batteries (optional NiMH rechargeable batteries) to ensure continuous signaling during power outage.
When the control sequence is interrupted due to mains failure, the unit will automatically resume operation with the last unfinished step instead of restarting the program.
Utilizing the three buttons on the circuit board, the sequence timing can be readjusted at the installation site, resulting in an increased flexibility in adapting the Sequetrol® compact to the individual requirements of the particular plant.
Build-up of residual pressure in the valve unit is prevented by stopping the compressor before closing the valves. Timing is individually adjustable for each program step (0 - 14s).

Available digital input can be used to connect a float-switch or another sensor. Up to 5 relay outputs for 230VAC offer a comfortable connection of solenoid valves, diaphragm compressors or other loads.

The programming process was developed especially with regard to the demands of a real SBR wastewater treatment plant. The control unit will be delivered ex-factory already preprogrammed according to customer requirements. Firmware updates and sequence program changes can be performed with the aid of an inexpensive programming device. This also makes the Sequetrol® compact “future-proof” and ready for possible changes of the legal situation.
No programming experience or any special software is needed.
The sequence program can be easily created or modified using a ready-made spreadsheet table (Excel®).


Attribute Value
Dimensions (l x w x h); weight 155 mm x 133 mm x 76 mm; 0.70kg
Ambient temperature -20°C to +55°C
Protection classification IP 54
Functions, sequence program, alarms All according to customer request and requirement. Sequence programs are designed and adapted by the wastewater treatment plant manufacturer by means of an Excel®-chart
Display Backlit LED display, 6 digits
Signal-inputs Digital input for float switch or other sensors
Data interface RS-232
Electrical output

According to customer request, up to 8 relays 230V / 300VA

Power supply during mains failure Standard camera battery, rechargeable batteries on request
Power supply 230VAC, 1,5 VA max.

PDF Flyer (EN)

Please use our Contact form to order your control unit.

Read more about our other products and services HERE.